Web Development & Training – 206-282-4591

Just In Time Training

Word-Ware began life as a web training and help file writing business.  It became clear that not only was there need to train users in building and maintaining websites there was an even larger need in building good websites for people who didn’t have the time or inclination to do it.

We offer a range of personal training options as well as full online course creation.  With our video partners we can deliver video training on CD/DVD or web as well as full online help files and associated training systems.

We have built class training database modules complete with online testing and grading.   If you need to learn to manage an HTML or WordPress website or need an online training system for a staff,  give Word-Ware a call and let us help deliver the right training at the right time.

  • One to one phone or office training
  • On site group training
  • Online support and training systems
  • Online or on disk video training
Tell Steve i am very impressed with the way he does business and will recomend Word-ware to anyone I know who needs a site done. -- JayPilot / OwnerBalloon Depot

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